January 5, 2015

Online Diary: Cami, Sam and... an extra someone?!

Hello future me!

This blog post is going to be focused on a couple of topics, but the main one being Cami and Sam.

I'm super excited to announce that I have spoken to them again, and it's as if our friendship was never on hold! As if those months meant NOTHING.

They welcomed me back into their lives quite quickly, and its refreshing to see how much they've grown and matured over my long break.

I left Cami a message on her social media wall telling her I missed her, and surprisingly she replied really quickly!

She told me how much she dreaded my absence and couldn't wait for Sam to see me.

 Although I missed Sam a ton, I was almost too embarrassed to see him again. I felt he wouldn't accept me as quickly as Cami had, and that I would have to work for his trust again.

Sadly, I was right. He didn't accept me as quickly, but around day 2 of forcefully applying myself into his life, he agreed he'd wanted me to stay.

And here is where it gets exciting- they brought a new 'someone' into the equation. This someone is a boy whom knows Sam in real life.His name is Danny. He's shy and cute and blushes- I absolutely love him!

I've been forming a slight teeny weeenyyyy crush on Danny... But if you know me in real life, you know how much I hate getting crushes on people. It ALWAYS ends horribly for me.

But anyway, back to Danny.

Cami knows about my liking to Danny, and she does everything she can to make me feel awkward. (In a joking way, of course!) For example, let me quote you a conversation that happened just yesterday. (Btw, Sam does tease me as well - he just doesn't know about my lil crush.)



(Currently Sam is on google earth showing us random places around the world that he's been too.)

Sam: Hey look Danny, thats the same size as your D!
Me: OMG Sam stop
Cami: {My name} would know that. ;)
Cami: On his D. ;)

Yup. That's Cami and Sam for you. Poor Danny is blushing up a storm during this conversation.

Anyway, on to another topic I wanted to write about on here.

Some of you may be wondering where my new years resolution post is, and what kind of things I want to accomplish this year...

Honestly, I have none. I don't really come up with new years resolutions because if I find something I dislike about myself, I don't want to wait until the next new years just to say that I can officially start changing my ways.

Therefor, I simply do not have a new year resolutions. But if you reallyyy want me to write some down for you, I'll do it. Here they are:

-Eat healthier
-Exercise more
-Spend less time on the internet
-Socialize more

Yup, pretty basic. I know.


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