December 31, 2014

Online Diary: Old Online Friends

(Update: I have already revealed their names, and instead of changing how I wrote this post I just want to tell you now that Dancer= Cami and Pro= Sam.)

Hello future me!

I'm going to write about something I've been dealing with and have been trying to sort out- but before I get started, I'd like to give you some back story on these people I'm going to be talking about.

I play/played a video game called MineCraft, and on that game I made these two VERY special friends. Lets call them Dancer(Girl) and Pro(Boy). All 3 of us formed a friendship that no one besides ourselves could break. We LOVED each other. We not only spoke on MineCraft, but we Skyped EVERY SINGLE DAY, and sometimes, we would do both at the same time! (Obliviously annoying anyone who wasn't in our Skype call!)

Long story short, things got rocky in our friendship, and then they were okay again. But then things got rocky again, and we resolved that too.

But then things got rocky... AGAIN... and I left them. They lied to me so many times, and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I did what I assume most people would do, and I left.

Here I am now wishing I hadn't left them. I've taken about a 4 month break and I want to become in contact with them again.

Although I SWORE to myself I'd never look at them or their username again, I'm sitting here in just complete regret.

I let the bad parts of our relationship get in the way of something that was complete bliss. When I say we loved each other, I really mean it. These two kids over the internet mean and meant so much to me and now that we've gone away, I want them to come back.

Dancer was just a couple months older than me and personality wise, she was like the baby of our friendship group. She was really silly and random and she brings joy WHERE EVER she goes.

Pro was the only boy we had in our alliance. He was british, as a matter of fact, and was one of a group triplets. (I'm talking about his ACTUAL real life siblings.) He brought the immature/inappropriate jokes into our lives, and boy, how I miss his dumb humor.

You might be wondering what my progress is so far on finding them. I'm currently playing on the same MineCraft servers we use to play on, and have re-added them on Skype.

I have not spoken to them at least a little bit, but I have left little messages to them here and there.

Other people I know over MC have told me that they saw them just last week, and I'm super excited to see if I can log in at the right time and see them.

Have you guys ever had a close friendship over the internet? Do you have any suggestions for me on getting back with them? Am I even doing the right thing looking for them?


Daniel said...

I have just followed your blog! It would be great if you could return the favour and follow mine! :) thanks!

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