January 13, 2015

Q & A- Selenator's View

Hello future me! 

Just a warning before I start the post, but today's a different one.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll go into deeper detail for you.

I was nominated by a lovely blogger here to answer some questions for I assume you relators! I hope you guys enjoy reading these, and get to know a little bit more about me. 

Thank you to Selenator'sView for these great questions! I had a lot of fun answering them.

Now onto the Q&A:

1. What was your favorite film of 2014?
A- I actually am not a big fan of movies, and I don't watch many. Although if I had to pick the answer would be Divergent or The Giver- for sure! 
2. Who is your favorite actress?
A- Same issue with the whole disliking movies scenario. Don't have one! 
3. Do you belong to a fandom?
A- Totally part of the Divergent fandom! I'm in love with the series. 
4. Who is your favourite Disney character?
A- Ariel or Belle. Ariel because she's independent and knows what she wants, and Belle because she loves books and has a very strong character. 
5. Do you have any pets?
A- Yup! 5 of them! 
6. Book or Film?
A- Books, duh. 
7. On Demand or DVD?
A- On demand! DVD's always get all scratched up and require maintenance. 
8. Do you have Twitter?
A- Yes I do! Here's my link: https://twitter.com/Girlonline34 I post quite frequently. Follow me! 
9. Where is your ideal holiday destination?
A- I don't know really. I'm terrified of airplanes and get major anxiety when I just think about them... *Shiver*
10. How long have you been blogging?
A- Less then a month, but I'm really enjoying this so far. I plan on doing this for a really long time. 
11. What was your favourite blog post to write?
A- A diary type one where I can just write things that happened to me, and how I feel about certain people. (Ex: My blog post called 'Bullies.')

Answer some of these on your own down below! I really enjoy hearing from you and reading your replies. 


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