December 27, 2014

Where it begins

Hello everyone.

I am Annika Analytical, or GirlOnline. Whichever you like.

"Why the strange display names?" you might ask. Well, I want you guys to know me as that 'girl online' who is super relatable. I want to separate my real life and my online life. As for the explanation behind Annika Analytical, Annika is not my real name. I use it to remain in disguise, and I added 'Analytical' because not only does it sound catchy, but it describes me. I get awards at school for over thinking just about EVERYTHING.

You might recognize one of my display names (GirlOnline)- from Zoe Sugg's book. Yes, I did 'copy' her title, but that's only because that book is exactly what I'm going for. (Maybe without the whole recognition and publicity, though.) I want this blog to be, as Pen said, our little corner of the internet. Here, I want complete honesty.

I am a teenage girl who just wants to write and keep this blog as a documentary of all the things I'm facing right now.

I won't tell you much about my physical self, but I'll keep my emotional self unlimited to you.

Not saying I wont post pictures of maybe my whole body but my face, or maybe just my eyes or just my mouth, but I wont post a picture of my whole self all in one, to make it harder for anyone I know in real life to find me.

I started this blog because writing in a diary seems quite silly, really. My diary won't be able to reply to me and my hands always hurt after writing for too long. (Although if you DO enjoy writing in diaries, props to you!)

I enjoy long bike rides up and down the street. I like seeing new roads and its nice to hear the birds whistle at each other.

Speaking of animals, I have quite a large amount of pets. I won't be listing their names just in case someone from my school recognizes it, as I do ramble on about how much I adore my pets to them in real life.

My pets are very intimidating to people who don't know them like I do. They are quite large and tough looking animals, although anyone who sees them ends up taking a picture of them before they leave.

Now enough about myself, and more about what will be in this blog.

Here I will post what its like being me, and random experiences I go through.

I will rant about some of the horrible things us teenage girls are forced into by the "Have-A-Hard-Teenage-Life" gods.

And at the end of every blog post I will ask you guys a few questions relating to the topic.

Stay tuned, you all. Its going to be a long ride!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I've just started a blog as well and saw your comment on youtube?

Unknown said...

Haha, yup! I'll go check out your blog.

Blog buddies maybe? :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, wanna be blog buddies? I just got Girl Online and love it! This is our little corner of the internet :D xx

Shaya said...

Hey, I came across your blog today. I really liked some of your posts! I too started a blog last December with a similar intention and write anonymously. Do take a look at it:

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